Thursday 8 December 2016

Sonograms Help to Highlight Fetal Problems Early on During a Pregnancy

Baby sonograms are called ultrasounds and are quite different from regular ultrasounds. Both, the sonogram and ultrasound terms mean the same testing type for a baby in a uterus. The terms are used interchangeably even in the medical journals, doctoral conversations and medical papers. Both technologies use sound waves with high frequencies, but they do not use the same rays that X-rays use. They are not dangerous to the health of a mother or a baby and a lot of people opt for 4d sonogram at 6 weeks.

There is a common misconception which is that both sonograms and X rays have a same technique. The misconception needs to be cleared. X rays use radiation, an energy type consisting of electron beams to penetrate solids such as bone. Sonogram technology uses sound waves to bounce off objects such as organs in their way. The sound waves produce images for example a baby in the uterus.
Sonograms are carried out throughout the pregnancy to monitor baby’s progress. They are useful tools for monitoring pregnancies through the first, second and last trimester of a woman’s pregnancy. Sonogram procedures confirm pregnancies in addition to blood tests to detect issues in the fetus, if present. This helps to monitor the baby size as well as to calculate the amniotic fluids surrounding a baby.

How Sonograms Help You?

Sonograms are scheduled throughout a woman’s pregnancy by doctors if he/she suspects some abnormalities within a fetus. He orders more sonograms to monitor fetal status and the surroundings.  Sonograms will tell you if the heartbeat of a baby is okay and to avoid a miscarriage situation.
Sonograms also help to ease parents mind by detecting the pregnancy problems early on. Many times the problems work themselves out but in cases they don’t, they also prepare parents for what is to come in the future. This helps them to go for hard choices on parents behalf.

Easy to Perform

Pregnancy sonograms maybe hard to read and understand but are quite easy to perform at the same time. Technicians are also trained to interpret and read the fetus and the uterus status.
Patients lie down on her back with a gel placed on her lower abdomen. A transducer which looks like a wand is placed over the gel on the abdomen. The gel allows sound waves to produce images efficiently. The whole procedure lasts for 30 minutes.

In short, ultrasounds and sonograms are performed to monitor a pregnancy. They do not have any healthy repercussions to the health of a baby or a mother. They are also performed many times depending on doctor’s orders. Pregnancy sonograms save lives and prepare others for the loss of life.

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